Terms of Service

These Terms of Use govern your use of the HUD VPN app. By accessing and using these services, you agree to these terms and commit to adhering to them. It is important to review these terms thoroughly before using the services.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using any part of this site, application, its content, or services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using the application.

Commitment to Privacy

We do not store, transmit, process, or use for targeting personal data, confidential information, or any other data that could identify a user with third parties.

Service Options

The HUD VPN app provides several service modes:

  • A free version with VPN capabilities with ads, providing access to a limited number of servers and basic data transfer speeds.
  • A free trial period with full VPN functionality and no ads, transitioning to a paid subscription that offers access to all servers with maximum data transfer speeds.
  • A paid version that provides immediate access to the full service without limitations.
  • Access to features alongside ads.
  • Other modes and usage options.

Software Overview

HUD VPN app is a versatile VPN service implementing VPN technology.

Privacy Assurance

Your privacy is paramount to us. For detailed information on our data handling practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy. The services are available free of charge in our standard format.

Usage Restrictions

The services are not intended for use by individuals under 18 years of age or those who do not own or have authorization to use the device on which the software is installed. We reserve the right to modify any part of this Agreement at our discretion, including the availability of any features. Continued use of the service after any changes implies your complete and irrevocable acceptance of these changes. If you disagree with the amended Agreement, you should stop using the services.

Limited License

We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, revocable, and limited license to use the services and install the software on your personal device for non-commercial purposes. Using the services or software for commercial purposes breaches this Agreement. For commercial use, a separate agreement is required. Contact support@cocohitechllc.com for more information.

The software is licensed, not sold. You are prohibited from copying, modifying, distributing, selling, leasing, exporting, sublicensing, or transferring the software or services; reverse engineering or creating derivative works; removing copyright notices; disrupting the services; using the services for illegal activities; or violating applicable laws. Any misuse will result in the immediate termination of your license.

Prohibited Activities

As a user of the HUD VPN app, you must not:

  • Engage in criminal activities like identity theft or fraud.
  • Spread harmful software like viruses or malware.
  • Illegally share copyrighted material.
  • Harass or threaten others.
  • Launch DDoS attacks or hack other networks.
  • Send unsolicited messages or spam.
  • Distribute child pornography or any pornography.
  • Attack our servers.
  • Engage in phishing or terrorism-related activities.
  • Use unauthorized credit cards for payment.

Intellectual Property

The software, site, and features, including updates and modifications, are owned by us or our licensors and protected by intellectual property laws. You acknowledge that all rights remain with us or our licensors. This Agreement grants no rights other than a limited license to use the software and services. Our trademarks, including the HUD VPN app logos, are not licensed under this Agreement.

Software Updates

Software updates or upgrades will occur automatically. These may include fixes, new features, or functionality changes and are subject to this Agreement unless stated otherwise.

Third-Party Content

The services may include links to third-party sites and content, which we do not endorse or assume responsibility for. You access these at your own risk and should review their terms and privacy policies.

Warranty Disclaimers

The software and services are provided "as is" without any warranties. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, and are not responsible for any issues arising from your use of the services.

Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from this Agreement or your use of the service.


You agree to indemnify us against any claims related to your use of the site or services, violation of this Agreement, or infringement of others' rights.

Termination of Agreement

This Agreement is effective until terminated by you or us. Non-compliance will result in the termination of your license. We may restrict or terminate your access at our discretion.

Compliance and Export Control

You must use the software in compliance with applicable laws and not export it in violation of such laws.

Contact Information

For questions, contact us at support@cocohitechllc.com. Copyright 2024 CO CO HI TECH LLC.

Using the services indicates acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.